Stroud Road Woodside, Croydon

Façade-Led Apartment Development: Retaining Historic Character at 34 Stroud Road While Introducing 9 Flats with Sensitive Massing and Streetscape Integration

The proposal is to demolish houses at 36 & 38 Stroud Road, and retain the façade of 34 Stroud Road. The buildings will be replaced with an apartment block, integrating the retained façade. The development will provide 7x 3 bed flats and 2x 2 bed flats.

Prioritising the preservation of the façade at 34 Stroud Road, its historic character as a guiding influence for the development. The integration of new elements references the existing structure in terms of materiality and proportions, achieving visual continuity. These new elements are purposefully designed to be subservient to the preserved façade, maintaining its prominence and character within the street scene.

The proposed element along Elmers Road features a Mansard roof, strategically diminishing its massing in comparison to both the retained façade and the neighbouring 1 Elmers Road. The proposed element along Stroud Road is situated along the tram line and opposite the three-storey building at 35-37 Stroud Road. It adopts a three-storey flat roof to align with its immediate context. Despite this, it remains subservient to the preserved façade of 34 Stroud Road through a deliberate reduction in height.

The proposal seeks maintain the permanence of the corner element. The proposal introduces a deliberate separation between each new element and the retained façade. A setback section visually separates each new element from the retained façade. A mansard roof along Elmers Road and a change in brickwork along Stroud Road serves as additional visual differentiators.

The design strategy aims to enhance the overall streetscape, introducing visual interest, and articulating the building mass into three distinct and cohesive elements.


Shardeloes RoadBrockley, Lewisham


BroadwayBexleyheath, Bexley